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Christopher Wallace

Mr. Wallace is a current member of the Company's Board, appointed as part of the reconstitution undertaken last year, as well as chair of the Company's Audit Committee. With a wealth of experience in leadership and finance, including in the critical minerals industry through other public corporate directorships, Mr. Wallace brings a renewed perspective and discipline of oversight during this transition period.

Mr. Wallace is Managing Director of CCC Investment Banking, a mid-market investment bank that is involved in mergers and acquisitions, financings, valuations and provides fairness and expert opinions. He is an experienced corporate director and currently sits on the board of GoviEx Uranium Inc., the fifth largest publicly-traded uranium company by resource size in the world. Mr. Wallace also serves as Chair of the audit committee and as a member of the human resources and compensation committee of the board of GoviEx Uranium Inc.


Craig Lennon – CA, AGIA
CFO and Head of Asia Pacific

Mr. Lennon was appointed as Head of Asia Pacific of the Company in 2019. Mr. Lennon is a highly experienced corporate and finance executive, having served as the Managing Director (from 2016 to 2019) and Chief Executive Officer (from 2007 to 2016) of ASX-listed Highlands Pacific Limited. Prior to Highlands Pacific, Mr. Lennon worked for KPMG for five years in Australia, gaining experience in industries including manufacturing, construction, retail, hospitality and mining, and also worked in the United Kingdom for two years in the manufacturing industry. Mr. Lennon is a Chartered Accountant (Australia) and member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia.